dogwifhat Eth

7.26 %
Change 24h
Market Cap
$ 0
Volume 24h
$ 533,284
Total Supply
The original $dogwifhat coin The mind behind the viral dogwifhat meme steps in and rolls out the official $dogwifhat coin. Scroll down for the real lore on the history of the meme & tokenomics. A single image can spark a movement. This is the story of dogwifhat, a meme that evolved into a symbol of unity in the community. At the heart of this is issa, the pioneering spirit behind the dogwifhat meme. The story starts 4 years ago... Strap in. Dogwifhat originated when Issa set his Twitter profile picture as a Shibu Inu Dog. The Shibu Inu Dog you all know as dogwifhat.