Port3 Network PORT3
1.69 %
Change 24h
Market Cap
$ 8,201,070
Volume 24h
$ 1,624,170
Circulating Supply
Total Supply
Port3 Network is an AI data layer network, led by Jump Crypto and Kucoin Ventures. Construct a network for AI and intelligent strategy services with massive Web3 datasets, decentralized computing platforms, and an open cross-chain execution layer.
With DAU over 70k and total users over 4.8M, over 500K mobile devices distributed globally, Port3 is revolutionizing Web3 decentralized data networks, there are four main infrastructures:
AI Data Layer: Indexing and standardizing a Decentralized Data Network for Web3 using AI
DeCalc: Fueling Web3's Growth with Federated Learning
OpenBQL: AI-powered layer for efficient cross-chain interactions
SoPad: Monetize Social Influence with launchpad